Incorrect movie found The One

I have a movie “The One” which came out in 2001. Filename is “One (2001).mkv”
When infuse grabs from TMDb it returns Air Force One from 1997. I went to the site and did a search query with the year and that is what came up as well. It does work fine if I use “The One (2001)” but prefer not to as sorting is messed up. Question, though, this sounds like more of a bug with TMDb if Air Force One shows up even though I specified the year as 2001.

themoviedb is probably trying to find the next match in their order that starts with “One” that has been matched more often even with a different year.

Since you don’t want to change the file name, can you do an edit metadata and type in “The One” and see if it offers the right one?

I just tried it with a file name of “One 2001.mkv” and when I selected edit metadata it pulled up “The One 2001” as the second choice without me even having to type in anything.

Yes I can see the same when I edit metadata. Just seemed a little odd that when I specify the year that the other showed up. I would understand if it didn’t specify any year.

Like I said, it was looking for a movie since you had the year after and I’m guessing that the first movie that ended with the word “One” was “Air Force One” since it starts with an A. The years are probably a lesser important sort since movies are sometimes given a “soft” release date to qualify for some awards so it may have first been seen broadly in January of one year but was released in one or two theaters in December of the prior year to be eligible for an award. So both dates may be used by different services.

It all boils down to if you use the correct name “The One” then it would have found it first and the date would not have been an issue. You’re asking the service to guess as to what you want while extrapolating from the reduced info you provide, so if it doesn’t quite guess correctly then at least it tried.

As to not sorting correctly with the word “The” in front, it does if you use the library view.

I do use library view. Like to have file system and library in the same order. Since infuse puts it under O I have filename match.

Apparently there is a 2001 Swedish release for Air Force One so that is why it comes up first. I wonder if there is a way to limit it to just region based or maybe theatrical only