Use Chromecast with my ipad and Infuse pro

auf meinem ipad pro nutze ich Infuse pro um Filme zu schauen
hotelzimmer habe ich ein Tv mit Chromecast drin.
ich habe gelesen das infuse chromecast nutzen kann

Wer hat da Erfahrung und kann mir sagen wie das genau geht?




On my iPad Pro, I use Infuse Pro to watch movies

In the

Hotel room I have a TV with Chromecast in it.

I read that infuse can use chromecast

Who has experience and can tell me exactly how to do it?

Thank you


Here ya go. :wink:

that dont work
i scan on tv a QR Code
but when play a video on infuse Pro there is no chromecast sign like in disney+ app or so.

thanks. Stephan

Using Chromecast in Infuse requires both devices to be on the same Wi-Fi network. This is because the actual videos are streaming from the Infuse app to the TV and the bandwidth provided by Bluetooth alone will not be sufficient.

This is different when compared to some other streaming services where the iPhone/iPad simply provides a remote link to the TV, and the TV streams directly from there.