Enhanced XML/CoverArt Handling for TV-Shows

Hi :slight_smile:

I have created some missing Movies/TV-Shows on TheMovieDB/TheTVDB, but I have to say the Administrators there are really unfriendly and uncompromising!

They delete (without any warning) my created Movies/TV-Shows/Collections and remove or edit things or other users upload false/bad quality Covers and I can’t replace it with the right Covers…

In Short:
It’s urgently required that we get more flexibility to use custom XML-Metadata and custom CoverArt!!!

=> XML-Tag [media type=“X“] to customize Category! ([media type=“Movie“], [media type=“TV Show“])
(Anything that is currently not listed in TMDb or TheTVDb will be categorized in Library-View under „Other“…)
=> XML-Tag „Writer“ (currently can’t overwrite)
=> XML-Tag „Star Rating“ is not working if a Movie is not listed on TMDb/TheTVDb!!

For TV-Shows:
=> Custom Season-Poster!!
=> Custom Fanart as blurred Background!!!
=> Custom Episode-Thumb!! (currently works with „filename-fanart.jpg“!)
=> A possibility to overwrite the TV-Show Title like in this example…
(Title without the “S1 • E2”!)
Der Hausgeist - S1 • E2 - Ein liebenswertes Gespenst => Der Hausgeist - Ein liebenswertes Gespenst
=> TV-Shows with only ONE Season should go directly to Preplayback-Screen (without the Seasonpage with only “Season 1”) ??

=> The Possibility to created own Collections!!
=> Custom CoverArt for Collections

We need a way to use custom XML-Metadata and CoverArt only, without any dependency of any Online Movie Database!!!

Please vote for my Feature-Request here:


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One further argument to use custom JPGs as SeasonCover/Collection Cover etc. is the following:

Strictly speaking it is forbidden to upload a Cover Image to TheMovieDB/TheTVdb, because I’m not the owner of the copyright… ?

But it’s ok to use it only local on my own AppleTV!
But for this we need the possibility to use own Season-Cover JPGs etc. with Infuse ???

You are right! This features are fundamental.

I agree