Wake on LAN (WOL) doesnt work from iPad and Partners iPhone

This issue has been going on for years and i’ve never figured it out, in fact its been a couple years since I posted about so thought i’d come back for fresh ideas.

I have one local NAS accessed via FTP, I have three Apple TV 4K’s, two iPhone 13’s and one iPad 2021.

Configured in the advances settings of the Saved Shares is the MAC address of my NAS to wake it up when Infuse is opened.

This works without fail every time on the Apple TV’s and my iPhone, however it does not work on the iPad and my wives iPhone, my wives iPhone has Infuse configured identically to mine apart from one thing, iCloud account is different, access to Infuse Pro is shared to her though through our family apple sharing account, so I can share subscriptions. Similary the iPad, this does not work either and the iPad is not using the parent iCloud account, it is using one we setup so it is separate from the one we have synced on our phones.

So, the only devices that do not work for WOL are the ones not signed into my parent iCloud account where Infuse is associated, but surely this isnt the reason, Infuse should just send WOL packets no matter what right if the MAC is there? My wife and I literally have the same phone as each other and Infuse configured the same, yet mine wakes the NAS and hers does not…

Its not overly a huge deal, it working on the ATV’s is most important and rarely do we watch content on our phones, but sometimes she will lie in bed watch some shows on the iPad and I always have to manually wake the NAS or just open Infuse on my phone to do it…big deal right…I get that its not but none the less after all this time I cannot figure it out.

Oh yeah should probably add, I can install a separate WOL app to those devices and they can happily wake the NAS, just Infuse wont.

Any ideas?