Video appearance delay at start- sound fine

on Apple TV 4k with latest Infuse.
When I start a stream (all h265 mkv) the audio begins but the screen is black for a few seconds and then the video starts. It is in sync.
If I pause the stream immediately I hear the audio then wait a few seconds the video appears. Unpause and all plays (sound and video) all in sync.

So it appears the file is playing fine, its just the beginning of the video stream doesn’t show when the audio starts.

As the audio and video are in sync, it doesn’t appear there is a delay in processing the video as opposed to audio.
But there is some mechanism delaying the appearance of the video not the actual stream.

AsI mentioned if I pause right at the beginning and wait for the video to appear, I can then unpause and all is fine. Bizarre!

Sounds like the TV is taking a moment to adjust to the resolutions.

Thoughts on a solution?

assuming it’s what @NC_Bullseye suggests, it’s not an infuse or an appletv issue.
it’s just your TV isn’t that quick at switching the framerate to match the content you’re playing.

the only solution would be for you to disable framerate and dynamic range matching on your AppleTV, however the end result will be that you end up watching all your content at the wrong framerate and with no HDR/DV

Thanks. I will look at these settings to investigate the effect. It would be a shame to think my TV is slow (65” Sony OLED, less than 4 yrs old)

Also, if you have an AV receiver that is in between the ATV and the TV it too may have some settings for that HDMI port.

it’s not that it’s “slow”.
it’s normal for there to be a black screen of around 1 second or so whilst the TV switches framerate to match the content being played.

the only TVs that do it seemlessly are the ones that support QMS, which Sony’s don’t i believe.

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I have turned of “match Frame rate” on my Apple TV. The delay now is of the oder of a second or two (much better). I also looked at a few european and then US movies to check for stutter (a possibility it seems) but didn’t pick any up. It sort of implies the Apple TV was introducing the observed delay.

that implication would be wrong.
switching framerate adds a black screen delay on every TV and every device, and that delay is determined by the TV (as in how quickly it’s able to do it).

Perhaps, but the delay now present is shorter than before, no more than 2 secs.

yes, because you’ve turned off the feature that matches your TVs framerate to that of the content being played, so now you’re watching content at the wrong framerare and with no DV/HDR.

if you are still getting a delay even with that off then you have another issue.

My TV adjusts it frame rate to suit the input. As for DV/HDR this is fine, that setting, on the Apple TV is still on. It is distinct from frame rate.

i know it’s distinct, that that also can add a black screen delay if the TV is bad at quick switching.

if you still have black screen delay before playback even with the framerate setting off then you have a different problem that isn’t anything to do with the ATV or Infuse.