For some reason, despite being in separate folders, infuse refuses to recognise the original miniseries and simply lumps the episodes into the final battle, resulting in their being multiple Part 1s and Part 2s, one set of which being the original miniseries and one the final battle. Anyone know any fixes?
Can you post a screen cap of how you have the filenames and directories?
I just created this and it shows the correct series info and metadata in testing.
If you name your files and directories this way you should be set.
This worked, thanks.
I was previously using this, but putting them both under a folder called V and renaming TOMS to 1984 worked.
|____V - The Original Miniseries
| |____V.The.Original.Miniseries.1983.x264.aac.S1E1.mkv
| |____V.The.Original.Miniseries.1983.x264.aac.S1E2.mkv
|____V - The Final Battle
| |____V.The.Final.Battle.x264.aac.S1E1.mkv
| |____V.The.Final.Battle.x264.aac.S1E2.mkv
| |____V.The.Final.Battle.x264.aac.S1E3.mkv
I’d recommend adding the year to the series folder name also. This will help avoid problems in the future if things get scanned again. I’d also add the year to the final battle files and directories.
Glad you got it working!
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