Unable to update my AppleTV2 to 5.0

Call me crazy but I would like to update my apple tv 2 to the latest firmware…

and take a break from all this stuff…   when I went to the general menu in the apple tv,

and tried to update ( Settings, General, Update Software ) it indicates I have the latest software, but it’s only 4.4.4…

how do I allow my apple tv to update even if it wipes it all out, jailbreak et all…  ( want to take a break )


can someone please help me reset this puppy so it will download the latest update from apple,…


I can always mess around with it once a jail break comes out for 5.0 :slight_smile:


cheers and thanks :slight_smile:

You have to put the ATV2 into DFU mode (as was needed for a jailbreak), and then connect it to iTunes via USB and do a restore.

Cool thank you… :slight_smile: I will give it a shot…


:slight_smile: cheers.

Do not forget to save your blobs before… Or u cant jb anymore atm! This is what the mate before forgot to mention! :-/


What’s a blob and how do you save it? :slight_smile: What does atm stand for?