It would be very nice to be able to easily switch sort order from within the library browser view in TvOS.
I noticed that this is possible in the iOS app, but not in the AppleTV-app.
But it would also be nice if the UI to switch order was a bit more sleek.
Right now (in the iOS-app), since it’s a toggle between all available sort orders, you have to open the menu and select several times before you get the intended order.
In my case, I’d like to be able to quickly switch between “Title” and “Date added” while staying in the library, and I’m not very interested in any other sort order.
It would be nice to have the option to access the sort order options while browsing movie or tv show titles (on the same page), as opposed to having it be in the infuse settings area.
I am not sure how difficult it would be to implement such a utility. Thank you in advance for considering my suggestion.
I just discovered that you can change the sort order inside a folder - can be title, name, add date or release date.
That is great, because I want to watch most stuff by title, but there are folders where I download internet videos and want to be able to quickly access the latest.
That is great!
…except that I could not find how to do that on Apple TV (it’s in a top right menu on iPhone/iPad ans Mac). I can only change this setting globally, in the settings menu, on Apple TV, which is a lot less convenient.
Is there a -hidden- way of accessing the same -very useful IMHO- feature on Apple TV?
It may be, I’m still waiting for the library sort options available in the ATV Infuse to be made available in the Mac version. Lots of useful sorts missing in the Mac version.