TV Shows Not Recognised

Hi Everyone.

New user. Grateful advice on getting my TV shows recognised properly.

In short, all my movies have been added to the Library without problem as far as I have seen so far (from my NAS via SMB), but my TV Shows are all in “Other” (in seemingly random order).

My set up for TV Shows (as follows) worked perfectly with MrMC, but I gather Infuse has its own needs to work well:

  • I have a master TV folder with 3 sub-folders (Comedy, Drama and Sci Fi). I added these as separate favorites to Infuse.
  • Under these 3 favorites I have the various TV shows in their own folders, then subfolders for Seasons/Specials, then the files.
  • The filenames are in the following format: “Show Name - S01E01 - Episode Title”, with all these drawn from TVDB via FileBot (my strong preference is to keep episode titles if possible).

Note that each show and season folder has lots of other files (e.g. JPEG/PNG, nfo), with these drawn from Media Companion (MrMC read these without issue).

I have Metadata Fetching and Embedded both ticked in Infuse (note that on first scan I tried with just using Embedded).

PS: logged a job for this yesterday, so will cancel if can solve here.

Thanks very much

First thing is to turn off embedded unless you have actually embedded the metadata into the video file itself.

Could you post an example of how you have one of your tv show episodes named?

This is the basic structure and file naming that Infuse is looking for.

TV Show Name and structure

Hi NC_Bullseye

See attached.

Try removing the dash before SxxExx

Re NC_Bullseye - have unticked Local Metadata and done Refresh Metadata and Scan for Changes. Still grouped in Other.

  • note that when I look at a folder/episode through a Favorite, it shows as Local Metadata.
  • should I delete all Metadata and try again?

Thanks munpip214. Was really hoping to avoid renaming (many 1000s of files if possible).

  • I thought I’d seen that other users had successfully used this same naming structure (?).
  • if I do go this way, do you have any tips on bulk renaming? I have FileBot and TMM, but not sure how to set up to remove “-”, and without leaving spaces everywhere.

Try it on one and see if it works. I don’t know about bulk renaming on windows. On Mac there’s a built-in utility, which works pretty well.

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Local should not be used either but it also different than embedded. You don’t want either.

Also remove the exclamation points. :wink:

Thanks NC. Where is Local Metadata chosen/changed? When I go through a Favorite I can see it says Local Metadata in the top right of the screen, but can’t see an option to switch.

This users guide may get you pointed in the right direction.

Thanks. The ‘long press’ doesn’t seem to be working on the folders. Perhaps because I’ve undertaken a rescan of all metadata. Will try again after it’s finished.

Hi again. No option to escape Local Metadata. Any other ideas? Are my episode naming format and folder structures OK?

Try the long press on the directories above the show level, like on your “TV” directory or “Comedy” directory.

One other thing, I noticed this

Just in case you missed it, Infuse uses TMDB for all metadata both movies and TV shows.

Hi NC_Bullseye.
It’s working now - the fix for me was to remove the whole Share in addition to deleting the metadata. For some reason it was remembering my Local Metadata setting.
Once I re-added the Share and Favorites (with Fetch on) it scanned properly.
Now I just need to clean up the remaining Other files.
Thanks again.

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