Almost all my Movies/TV-Shows are found automatically in Infuse with the correct file naming…
But I have big Problems with one TV-Show!
“Der dritte Zwilling”…
Infuse don’t find this automatically!
The Show has two Parts and I named it
Der dritte Zwilling (1997)_s01_e01.mp4
Der dritte Zwilling (1997)_s01_e02.mp4
What I do wrong?
Can someone help me?
I think the issue is that there isn’t any artwork for this show on thetvdb.
If I follow the below it works but it does not have a master folder image, only an image for the season 1 folder. Also no season banner image. Maybe make an account at thetvdb and add some of the missing artwork?
Main folder > Der dritte Zwilling
Season folder > Season 1
Episodes > Der.dritte.Zwilling.s01e01; Der.dritte.Zwilling.s01e02; Der.dritte.Zwilling.s01e03…
Hope this helps!
Great it works with your file naming ??
I hope Infuse get finally a way to use custom covers for season/folder Covers and Episode-Thumbnails ?