TV Show Metadata Issue - Boomtown

I have my files stored on an external drive using the SMB protocol and following properly naming a number of shows, I have cleared my other folder. However I have the show Boomtown resisting the changes, copying the episode names and numbers doesn’t seem to work nor does just changing in S01E01. Any ideas anyone. It driving me bonkers trying to resolve it

Can you provide a screen cap of how you have the folders and files named and organized?

What version of Infuse?

Also there are multiple shows named boomtown, it’d help to know which one you have. :wink:

Version 8.0.3 and Boomtown from 2002/2003 created by Graham Yost and thank you for helping I am a very new user and this is the only issue so far

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Just checked and this directory structure with this file and folder naming works perfectly to get the correct metadata.


Your my absolute hero, that’s worked brilliantly, thank you for responding and helping me out

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