TMDB rating on film page

Infuse 8.0.2

I have read some other posts about the TMDB rating (and another one that I don’t know what it is) that appears on the film’s Home Screen.

Others have questioned it and said that it needs to be an option.

But my question is a little different. Why it it there and, more importantly, where does it come from?

My content comes from my Emby server where I have complete control of the metadata. These ratings are nowhere in my metadata. I use different trusted sources for this information and with the new update these personal ratings no longer appear.

I have Metadata Fetching turned off in Infuse and Embedded Metadata turned on. So why are these unwanted and unrequested ratings here?

Where do they come from?

Do you have this using direct mode or are you using Library mode?

Yes, sorry should have said.

Library mode.

You may want to try direct mode and turning off embedded metadata to get a better idea of what you can expect from Infuse from Emby.

I did try Direct mode in v7 but it didn’t give me the interface that I needed, so I reverted to Library mode.

Of course, these ratings I’m referring to have only appeared since v8.

I don’t use a server like Emby but the way I understood it was that you selected in Emby what you wanted to show on the Infuse screens.

Either way though you need to turn off embedded metadata unless you have actually embedded your metadata into each individual video file.

Also those rating will be optional in an upcoming release.

Edit to add:

I believe you’ll also want to turn fetch metadata back on.

Thank you for your responses.

However, I’ve tried Direct Mode on one of my devices and the unwanted ratings are still there.

So the question still remains. Where are they coming from?

Note the link is to the “Upcoming” features so it’s not available yet.

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