TMDB rating is just Rotten Tomatoes / 10. Bug?

The new Infuse version makes TMDB ratings more visible, alongside Trakt. I’ve noticed that on 100% of the movies I’ve checked, the TMDB score was actually just the Rotten Tomatoes critic score translated to a 10 point scale. This feels like a bug and I’d expect the TMDB score to reflect the user score from that site. If I go to a TMDB page for a movie, I literally cannot even find the score that Infuse is showing. This is because I think Infuse is actually showing the Rotten Tomatoes critic score for some reason. Check and see for yourself.

Not true for MI Fallout (first one I checked)

Hmm I don’t have that one but here’s what I see for Dead Reckoning.

Just curious, have you tried doing an edit metadata and re-selecting the correct movie so Infuse does a metadata refresh for this movie? Maybe the TMDB rating was at 96 when Infuse originally fetched the data.

If you are using Plex, there is a quirk which presents the ratings from there as TMDB even if those ratings come from RT. This will be fixed.


Hey guys,

I am using the current beta with Plex Direct Mode and have two concerns:

1.) Since Infuse pulls the ratings directly from Plex, the IMDb rating is displayed. However, the logo shown is for TMDb. Is it possible to show the IMDb logo so that it matches the rating? Legally, this shouldn’t be an issue since the data is simply used from Plex and nothing is scraped.

2.) Logos are no longer being displayed. Is this simply not possible in Direct Mode because Plex doesn’t provide logos?

Best regards

correct, plex has no support (currently) for logos