Storing updated metadata directly with the original file on the NAS

sorry for my approximate english, i’m french. :blush:

i use infuse with two Apple tv at home, and my movies are on a personal NAS.

for some videos the metadata is not correct or non-existent, then Infuse can’t find them during a search & classifies them in the “other” folder on the TV user interface. For each video, we can then manually find the movie cover and update the metadata, it’s really a great feature! Then they appear in searches.

but then I have a problem:

I have many friends who have subscribed to infuse to access the videos on my server from their homes with the WebDAV protocol. And when I use the iCloud service to have the metadata updated on my two Apple TVs, my friends will not have access to the updated metadata since they will not have the same iCloud ID (and some don’t even have icloud service).

then, it seems to me that the ideal solution is to create a feature that update the metadata directly in the movies files on the server. Then, my friends will have the videos recognized correctly in searches simply after asking Infuse to update the metadata on their Apple tv.

It seems to me that this would be a user friendly solution.

tell me what you think please?

A post was merged into an existing topic: Let Infuse use a NAS as the backup point