So, someone else suggested a solution to the 3D dillema that most of us have. What dillema? There just isn’t a box right now that does the holy trinity. HDR, Bitstream, and framepacked 3D. ATV is close thanks to Infuse, but still no cigar.
Some boxes can play framepacked, but they are wonky solutions from China. Some Windows installs play 3D, others don’t no matter how hard you try. And a very small percentage of people are able to get MVC MKVs to work, while the rest of us can’t.
Well, someone on here (sorry can’t remember who) suggested converting the 3D iso/disc to a 4K film. Why? Because when you have a SBS or OU film, you are getting half the resolution. If the movie is 1080p, you are getting 540p in each eye. Why is this a problem? Because the film on disc or in framepacked ISO/MKV is 1080p per eye. You’re losing half the film.
Well, I am happy to report that I’ve done my first test, and damed if it doesn’t work with very little (if any) loss in resolution. Sadly, this will only work if you have a 4K TV that plays 3D (which were few and far between). But if you are lucky enough to have one, this works just great.
It’s painful, and takes about 2.5 hours to convert a film to 4K, since you can’t use hardware acceleration, but it’s a solution that allows us to stay with the wonderful products of Infuse and ATV, and you get 1080p per eye! This is not about upscaling, etc. I’ve seen threads, qora posts, etc. where some folks just don’t understand 3D on bluray. It’s about getting 1080p per eye, and this does it.
The only software I am aware of that works is DVDFAB. It allows you to convert a disc or ISO to 4K 3D. If you are in a boat such as mine, and you have over 130 3D movies, this is at least a solution that works, because let’s be honest… ever getting Apple to implement MVC is nearly impossible. They can’t even implement Atmos.
Please keep in mind that this WILL ONLY work if you have the untouched ISO, the actual disc, or a MVC MKV. Just taking some SBS or OU MKV file and converting it will do nothing for you. In, fact, odds are it will be worse. You will be unconverting 540p. The point of this is to get 1080p per eye, not worse.