Slow file transfer speed

Hi there,

When I transfer video files from my windows 10 pc to my iPad pro (2017), the transfer speed seems to be very slow. I don’t know the exact speed, but transferring a 3gb or 4gb video file takes several minutes.

Since the iPad pro’s lightning connector is capable of usb 3.0 speed, I hoped for a much quicker file transfer. I use the latest iTunes version.

Are these slow transfer speeds ok or do I have to check my hardware / software setup?

If iTunes is doing the transfer then this is just how fast it’s going to be. I don’t think infuse has any control over this as iTunes is doing the copying. Check with Apple?

I agree. I don’t blame infuse for slow transfer speeds because iTunes is doing the file transfer. However, before I check with Apple, a exchange of experiences what transfer speeds one could reasonably expect when copying video files from a pc to an idevice would be helpful.