Skip is skipping chapters, not time

During playback, when I press the right direction button on the AppleTV remote, it skips to the next chapter instead of skipping 10 seconds forward. It is the same with the left button skipping to the previous chapter instead of 10 seconds back.

This seems to be a recent change as I have only noticed it in the last few weeks.

I have tried files with different resolutions (4K and 1080p) as well as different compression (h.264 and h.265) but all files are exhibiting the same issue. Also, the skip function is working correctly in other apps like Netflix.

Someone suggested (in a different thread) changing the settings for skip duration in Infuse, but that seems to have no effect.

Infuse Pro 7.8.2 on Apple TV 4K (3rd Gen, 128GB) with tvOS 17.6.1.

Settings > Playback > Chapter Controls Off

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