Show smart group tags if only a single copy is present

are great features for me. But why showing the (custom) tag only if multiple versions of the same movie are in the library. If somebody uses the {edition-…} tag in filenames, it would be really nice to see this in the library anyway (like plex does). If a movie is “uncut” or “extended” or whatever edition is a info that is always interesting.


At the moment it will only show if you have multiple. But you can scroll down and see the filename if you put the descriptor there.

I know that I can scroll down to the filename, but which looks better :wink:

Plex (next to the movie title)

Infuse (bottom of the screen)


Would love this. Cause I add the the GBs of the file to my edition titles.

I think it would be good to display the edition of a movie if it deviates from the official theatrical cut even when you only have that one edition and not multiple. Otherwise that information is kind of lost in these cases. Maybe this can be implemented with the UI redesign in the future, a simple display of “Director’s Cut” or “Extended Cut” wherever it is appropriate would suffice in my opinion.