Show Air Date for TV Shows

Show the air date for TV Shows. Plex does this already.

-Especially helpful for Talk shows and Late night shows eg. The Late Show, The Daily Show, Last Week Tonight etc.
-Also helpful when you are watching an episode that airs weekly and wondering when the next one will come out (eg airs on 1st June next one probably out around the 8th June)
-Wondering when the next season will be out? A look at the first episode of the previous season gives a rough idea of when it will start again


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Show date would be VERY helpful, as would next air date. Some similar apps are featuring airing date and episode title info and related sorting filters, and I found that data very helpful.

Next air date would be real difficult since firecore would have to either develop an API for a program guide website or create their own program guide service since next air date is location specific and not part of the metadata provided in the current sources. The current source for metadata does include the data for “Original Air Date” which should be an easy addition.

Next air date/upcoming episodes was a feature I noticed on the tvOS app called Catch. catch uses a Plex MS. I was really impressed when I saw it. I’m not sure what APIs might offer it? Tvdb? sickbeard? Maybe

Even just air date would be helpful. offers the next airdate as well as the next episode name (eg I can see the next few episodes of American Gods) and Infuse already interacts with it. No idea how difficult it would be to implement though

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