Seas0npass hang on Macbook pro


I recently jail-broke my atv2 5.1 and have been successfully using it doing tethered boots from my Macbook pro - this worked like a charm until a few days ago when I had to reboot my atv again and had to perform another tether-boot. Problem: Seas0npass hanged at start-up (only displaying a grey window with title, but not the two big icon buttons for IPSW and tethered boot), and the only way to exit was to force exit. It’s been doing that systematically since then.

I’m using the latest version of seas0npass (re-downloaded it to be sure), I’ve restarted the mac (which up-to-date in terms of OS updates), in case there was some kind of interference from another program, I don’t have any antivirus… I have to say now I’m stuck: Seas0npass systematically hangs at start-up and I can’t proceed any further.

Any idea of what could be interfering with it, or anything I could try?

thanks in advance