If I try to download a file from the Library tab and then Infuse quits or is paused by iOS, when it tries to resume the download it mostly fails. Trying to retry this failed download then always fails and I have to remove the download and start again.
However, if I browse to the same file via the share in the “files” tab (not the library view) and start to download the file, it will always resume successfully and pick up where it left off. I have tested this with WebDAV, SMB & FTP and all share types have the same problem. So selecting and downloading a file from the library will mostly not be resumable, but selecting the file from the “files” view will always resume successfully.
For remote access to my NAS at home, this is a really annoying bug as it means I can’t really use the much faster library view at all to select and download files. Instead I have to browse via the “files” view which is much slower as it needs to connect and list all the files every time.
You can reproduce this fairly easily by starting a download via the library and then swiping to close the infuse application. On restart of infuse, the download will have failed and not be resumable.