Quicktime 7.6 Plugin with Couch Surfer/Boxee/XBMC

I am not getting any Quicktime support with my Couch Surfer now after the 3.5.4 update. I tried using the Maintenance menu and installed Quicktime 7.6 from there. The QuickTime76_Tiger.dmg downloaded and installed without a problem. Rebooted ATV then went to Internet - Bookmark and tried running the ATV Flash Quicktime demo but all Im getting is a white box with a question mark on top of the Quicktime logo.

Not sure if this is relevant but also when I open Boxee and XBMC a quick dialogue box pops up prompting me "The Quicktime Plug-in requires Quicktime pluggin extenstion version 7 or later. Quicktime is available at http://apple.com/… " Choices: “Set Quicktime” or “Cancel.” Befoire i can do anything it just continues to the next screen.