Put.io streaming

Been using Put.io for while and im amazed how versitale it is. Also using Infuse since first release. Just wondering how sick it would be if i could stream and/or download straight from my Put.io account. If you ever add that feature im willing to pay anything for that update. Please add that…pls…


Same here… Putio and infuse = Sick…

It is already available
Put.io supports webdav and as well infuse
Add webdav.put.io with ssl in infuse and login with your put.io username and password

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When could we get official put.io support James? ??

I would really like a native/official support for put.io. Using WebDAV right now, which is ok. Would be cool with a more seamless integration

@james Could we get official support with v7!? Please! Put.io even reached out :wink:


It would be a great addition to support to play video from put.io using it’s api (api.put.io).
I’ve seen their team mentioning @infuse on Twitter to see if a collab is possible.

Would it be hard to add this?

Welcome to the forum!

I moved your post to a currently running thread requesting this feature in our suggestions forum.

Don’t forget that you need to click the like button on the first post in this thread to show your support for this suggestion! :wink:

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+1 for native Put.io access. WebDAV can have buffering issues.

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+1 for native Put.io

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@james Can we get put.io support in Infuse 8!?

The founder is willing to work with Infuse and their API.

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I’d be willing to donate to make this happen @james ! Great addition for v8! :+1:t3:

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If this feature was added, i’d return to using Infuse again! @james

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Pretty please @james

With a cherry on top @james :joy:

@james Going to add Baidu cloud disk but not put.io!? :man_facepalming:t3:

And now 123pan? :face_with_diagonal_mouth: