I tried installing Google earth yesterday, with no luck:(
The latest file for mac that I could find without using the automated installer (.exe), was googleearth-mac-plus-4.3.7284.3916.dmg. I transferred this to the applications-folder on my ATV (via FTP) like it says in the manual, but I can’t find anything when I look for it in “applications”.
I’ve now tried installing firefox without luck. I press the “install firefox” choice, but nothing happens…
Also: When I put some .dmg-file in the applications folder on my ATV it does NOT show up under applications in nitoTV. When i connect via FTP, I also notice that there is a “firefox.dmg” file placed directly at the root. Since installing firefox isn’t working either, I’m starting to wonder what i payed good money for. An answer to my posts here could maybe alter my first impression, but so far I got nothing from spending money on this “tool”.
You actually need to copy the enclosed application file inside the DMG file to the applications folder.
If you’re using a Mac, just open the DMG file and drag the application folder to the Apple TV.
If you’re using a PC, you will need to use a program called ‘MacDrive’ to exact the application file from the dmg.
They have a free trial. http://www.mediafour.com/support/downloads.asp
Could you describe the correct way to do this? When I open the .dmg-file in MacDrive, it shows me all the folders inside the .dmg. -Should I transfer all of these to the applications folder on my ATV (fex: Google Earth.app)?
Edit: Now I’ve tried transferring all the files to the applications folder on the ATV. Google Earth now shows up under “applications”, but it doesnt work. The screen just locks for a while, then the ATV reboots. -No joy!
Its happend the same thing with me. I can view the google earth.app but when I click on it the ATV just go tho the black sreen whith the apple symbol and stay on it. Did you find out how to work? thanks
After copying the data files of the google earth image, won’t you go to maintanenance - Install extras to install google earth? I’m under the impression that all applications need to be installed first via maintenance - install extras and then you’ll see the google earth applicaiton work under applications.