Poster art for TV Shows - override fail

I have a number of tv shows where - for the life of me - I cannot get my custom artwork to show.

Just to run through a few troubleshooting things I’ve found in other threads on this forum:

  • Prefer embedded metadata is on;
  • There is an image in each and every series folder named “poster.png” or “poster.jpg”
  • I get the same results when I add the same image as “season-all-poster” instead

The odd thing is that I never have this issue with movies, only on TV shows, and there also appears to be some type of “trigger point” after which the issue occurs. I had Infuse re-check the metadata for a show that has this issue, and initially, my chosen artwork shows up, but then once the whole show has loaded, it reverts to the standard image it fetches from thetvdb.

The issue also extends to custom fanart.

I should add that for at least two shows, there are episodes which are not in thetvdb (for example, I have the new I Love Lucy boxset, and this one has a colorized episode that isn’t on thetvdb anywhere). Could the issue be linked to that in some way?

Anyway, I’ve had this issue for a long time, it’d be great if I could finally resolve this.

Your going to want this “Off” unless you’ve actually embedded the metadata into the actual video file.

You can find the way to add custom artwork in this users guide.

If you would post a screen cap of the directory with file names and structure for the trouble series we can see what we can find. :wink:

Well, I only turned on embedded metadata just today to see if it made a difference - it was one of the suggested resolutions I found in other threads, but no dice.

Added a screenshot below:

I’ll add for completeness’ sake that there is a separate folder called “specials”.

Could you show how you have the episodes named also?

All done via TinyMediaManager, so the naming is consistent throughout my library.

Keep in mind, the series poster is only visible when browsing the Library.

For the season 1 poster try putting a space between “season” and “01”

Also you have both season all poster as well as season 01 poster so it may be conflicting. Try using one or the other only.

I’d recommend putting the series name in front of the season/episode on the file names. “I Love Lucy 1951 S01E01 The Girls Want to Go to a Nightclub.mkv”

If you could try that it may help. Bulk name changes like this on a mac are real simple if you haven’t done it before.

One other thing, when you have a season poster I’d also suggest that if your season 1 folder is labeled “Season 01” then have the season poster named “Season 01-poster.jpg”

If your season 1 folder is labeled “Season 1” then have the season poster named “Season 1-poster.jpg”

If you’re having issues with overriding the episode images you may try removing the ‘thumb’ portion of the filename for the episode images. This isn’t a supported naming style at this time.