Plex disappeared

Infuse pro 7.8.2 (4948)
Something happened to infuse during the night.
This morning all Plex connections are gone. Rebooted Apple TV twice and in infuse i tried restore. Checked shares and one of my nas drives is missing.
Anyone else having these issues?

Any chance the NAS or other device in the loop had a firmware update overnight? I’ve been bitten by that a time or two.

Maybe reboot the NAS and router?

It almost sounds like the name for the NAS may have changed or the IP address.

Yes that might be the nas issue, i’ll check that out.
As the missing drive had no connection to Plex, it will not solve first problem.
Infuse works like it did 3 months ago before I started using Plex in the direct mode. It’s like I just dreamed about setting up and using Plex.

What is that drive attached to?

Everything is back to normal’
It took 13 tries of rebooting and restoring before it starting working properly.
Friday the 13th was yesterday, good thing I’m not superstitious.
Thanks for the responses.

Glad to hear it!

Times like this almost make me miss having to order the Upgrade Disks and waiting for the mail to delivery them only to spend the afternoon (or all night) loading floppies and drinking coffee.

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