Please intelligently pick an icon for a folder and stop using blank folders

I’ve got a folder named “TV show 1.” Under that folder I have “season 1,” “season 2,” and “season 3” folders and they all have icons. But, none of those folder icons are carried to the “main” folder. This not only shows a blank folder, but it screws up the alphabetical ordering of the main fodlers because it the folder is blank, infuse likes to list it at the top out of order.

This happens even if there are only video files in the folder. I have a folder named “TV series whatever.” Under that folder, I’ll have “TV series whatever episode 1,” “TV series episode 2,” and so on. The top level folder “TV series whatever” is blank. If I go into that folder, infuse will group all of the episodes together into a single virtual folder. That’s great, but why doesn’t infuse “carry” that grouping and icon into the top level folder? It’s like infuse wants me to throw all of my files of all of the shows into a single folder with no organization and let infuse group them. This is unrealistic.

This also happen if there are any other files in the folder. I have a folder “Movie 1.” In that folder, there is the movie (correctly identified with a thmbnail), a folder with extras, and maybe another file or two. Infuse, does not carry the video’s icon to the main folder, so the main folder is blank and sorted out of order.

Please fix this. You could look for an identified video or pull the thumbnail from an identified season folder. Or maybe even let the user drop in a specifically named png file like “thumbnail.png.” The blank folders are bad, especially when files underneath are identified, and the pushing the blank folders to the top is annoying.

I can’t be the only person with this problem.