Playing Dolby Atmos files on HomePod no longer works

It started yesterday or day before. It can no longer play files with dolby atmos 5.1 sound when HomePods or minis is selected as sound output from my MacBook. It just sits there paused. If I change the sound output to my MacBook, it starts playing. Maybe it has to do with the latest homepod update? It is working on my iPhone and appleTV so not sure what’s going on. I restarted the MacBook, HomePods, and the router. I have the latest Mac OS and infuse. Please advise.

Mackbook Pro 14 inch 2023 with M3
Sonoma 14.6
infuse 7.8.4860
HomePod os 17.6

With so many updates recently it’d be best to always state the version numbers for Infuse and MacOS. :wink:

I started having issues yesterday or so on my Macbook. It no longer plays any files with atmos 5.1 when sound is going to HomePods. It just sits there paused until I change the sound to my MacBook.

done. thanks.

I moved your post from the other thread since their problem is different from yours and that way we don’t get things confused.

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One other thing you may want to add is the year and model of MacBook. I think there was an issue with Dolby and certain year/models of MacBook.

Added. It was working until yesterday or day before.

Do you have your devices set for auto updates or do you recall what you updated most recently?

I have my HomePods update automatically. I updated to the latest macOS manually thinking it might fix the issue but it didn’t.

I recently had my threads network quit after a few updates and a restart of the homepod mini and ATVs brought it back to life so maybe a restart on your homepod and MacBook may help it get back on track.

I did restart my HomePods, MacBook, and router. I will try restarting my minis and atv as well.

OK so changing the downmix volume to normalized in advanced audio setting is at least playing the video and sound comes through the HomePods. I am not sure what change and why I have to do this but will this be read by support or should I send something to support?

Now it’s 10.16.2024, this problem still there, even though they just released the latest Big Version. LOL. :rofl:

I’m not sure what’s going on in the software development team. But the same problem has been here for over 3 months, even with the latest BIG VERSION just released last night, it is still there, you just can’t play Dolby Atmos 5.1 sound track Video File on your Mac with sound output from HomePods. I have wrote problem feedback email, but seems nobody cares about this BUG.

Change the Downmix Volume setting to Normalized in Audio Setting, then airplay Dolby Atmos 5.1 video file to HomePods will be fine. Not sure why is it like this, but it worked.

Sorry for the trouble, but thanks for your report.

This is something we are looking into.

This has been resolved in today’s 8.0.7 update.

Thanks for your patience. :slight_smile:

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