not sure if im missing something, but with the new feature playback as playlist, when i select a show the option is grayed out… i haave to go inside that show, and select it on a a particular season… and wheni do that, it doesnt play the first unseen episode, it plays the first episode period… what am i doing wrong? and why do i have to go in each season? i thought the idea was that you select the show and it will figure out by itself what season/episode is next to be watched…
The new TV show playlist option is only available when browsing in via the Library view.
Are you browsing through the Library, or just the norma files view?
just normal files… imnot using library as it mixes everything with my kid’s stuff and its too much of a mess. thats why ihad requested multiple libraries. so i guess not a new feature for me then…
is there any plan of incorporating multiple libraries? iknow it was requested a lot…