I am trying to copy a file from my intel mac to my appletv using the FUGU provided with the -1 box checked under SSH connection. It tells me “PERMISSION DENIED”
I can see all the files on my appletv fine letting me believe the ssh -1 connection is working fine, but wont let me copy the files.
I can FTP over fine and copy files, but it doesnt show me the /usr folder where I am trying to copy.
You will only be able to copy files to the frontrow directory. Once they are there, you can connect via SSH through Terminal to move them to other parts of the Apple TV.
I am actually trying to figure out how to mount my SMB drive. I was following some of the instructions on AwkwardTV and needed to install NANO, some text editor. But truthfully I am out of my league with this SSH stuff.
How do I mount my SMB NAS in my closet so I can watch my movies and TV shows on my appleTV from that thing?