i think it's a bug that people may accidentally remove the Overflow function without being able to get it back (see my post here: http://forum.firecore.com/topic/3383).
In my point of view, 2 things should be changed to fix the bug:
1. It shouldn't be possible to select Overflow in the Overflow entry in the Overflow menu (I hope you understand what I mean)
2. The Overflow function should be made enable/disbable in the maintance menu (as the other functions of ATV Flash)
Putting PLEX in the Overflow folder causes it (plex) not to work: it doesn't open the servers list.
OT Suggestion: You should allow people to easily change the Overflow folder's name (and maybe allow more overflow folders). I changed mine to "Extras" by editing its info.plist file.
Sorry to drag up an old topic, but how can I edit the Overflow plist on AppleTV2? I know how to SSH into my AppleTV2, but no idea how to edit plists on it.
I found that using FileZilla (free) it's possible to SSH into the Apple TV 2, and then using PlistEdit Pro (a free app from Apple.com) you can edit the Info.plist of Overflow and change the position it appears on the menu, and also the name.