Ive moved from XBMC on my ATV 2 to ATV flash and am excited to get it up and running. I have everything installed on the ATV and am trying to set up some shares. When I try to add a new share though I get an Error 60 Timeout.
I am connecting to a Windows 7 machine. I have shared out the dir I store my media in and am able to connect to it using other Windows 7 pc’s and from an Asus oPlay that uses SMB as well
any suggestions for troubleshooting this? Please let me know
Yea i had the same thing happen. but i had just installed all the new software and firmware and it was all set up and working using the SMB through the media player software and then turned it back on the next day and it will not connect.
What version of firmware did you install? If it one of the 4.4.x series then at this time the Jailbreak is tethered which means if the ATV2 ever loses power it needs to be connected to the PC/Mac that did the jailbreak so that SeasonPass can be used to complete the boot process. The symptoms described are what is expected after power loss of and kind (deliberate or accidental).
A couple of users have posted they were successful in connecting an SMB share. What am I missing? Is there a page with explicit instructions? Something like “SMB to Windows 7 for Dummies” would be terrific.
I’m in the same boat - I have had my ATV2 sharing seamlessly with XBMC for almost a year now so the setup and file sharing is all fine. For the life of me I cannot figure out why I get the Timeout Error 60 message. I have setup 2 shares - (1 as Guest as I use this to connect to my macs) and both of them pass the connection test.
I have:
smb//:WORKGROUP/Pete and it passed Test Connection