Name of artwork for TV Shows Specials?


how do I name my artwork for TV Shows Specials? Artwork for “normal” seasons works great after I renamed my posters and video files like mentioned in the guidelines:

"Usage details

seriesname/season 1/episodefilename.jpg

seriesname/season 1-poster.jpg

All Seasons

Series (available only while using Library)

I’ve tried “seriesname/season specials-poster.jpg”, but it doesn’t work. I also tried to rename the folder in season 0 and renamed the artwork in “seriesname/season 0-poster.jpg”, but this also didn’t work.

My TV Shows are organized like this:

TV Shows

  • seriesname

  • season x

  • seriesname_S01E01 name of episode.ext

The specials-folder is like the season-folders in the seriesname folder and the files are named like above, just with S00E01…

Hope you can help, thank you


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can anyone help please?

Thank you very much.

It doesn’t look this is supported at this time, but I will pass along your feedback. Thanks!

Thank you, that would be great!

Just ran in to this issue myself, so thanks for posting this thread! I second the request to have custom artwork for TV Specials. Many thanks!