Having an issue where a single genre in Plex (Action & Adventure) is now showing as 3 different genres in Infuse: “Action”, “Action & Adventure”, “Adventure”.
I suppose it’s due to the “&” in the genre title. Is this a new feature or a bug?
Having an issue where a single genre in Plex (Action & Adventure) is now showing as 3 different genres in Infuse: “Action”, “Action & Adventure”, “Adventure”.
I suppose it’s due to the “&” in the genre title. Is this a new feature or a bug?
Are the same videos visible in each genre?
If you view one of these videos in the Plex web UI, what genres are listed?
Yes, all three have the same videos.
Just one genre, Action & Adventure.
Just curious if this is going to change, or will I need to update my genre names to remove “&”?
Was this a manually created genre, or one generated by Plex?
Can you describe what is listed for genres if you view the video’s detail in Plex? (see attached)
I created it.
Action & Adventure using the ampersand (&) works fine as a genre in my setup which is the Plex connection. When you go to your movie library screen on Plex and then click on the heading ‘All’ and then ‘Genre’. By any chance does a stand-alone ‘Action’ or ‘Adventure’ genre also exist?
Nope, no other genres that include either word. In infuse, all 3 genres have the same 200+ movies. So it’s not a matter of other genres/a plex bug where some genres are hidden but showing up in infuse.
No issue in the iOS app, everything displays correctly.
Fixed with latest update!! Thanks again!
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