As many others, I have the extended editions of The Lord Of The Ring trilogy in which each movie is splitted over 2 discs. At first, I had these as separate movies in Jellyfin and as a result, Infuse also was showing them as 2 movies.
I now have them named and recognized as Part 1 and Part 2 in Jellyfin. When I log in the Jellyfin Web interface, I see a single movie and lower in its description, I have access to Part 2 and I can play it from there.
Unfortunately, Infuse does not recognize these 2 parts and I can play only Part 1. I tried to add tags in Jellyfin (Part 1 and Part 2), tried a few file names (doubt it would be it because files are served by Jellyfin) and still no way for me to have Infuse playing Part 2 of these movies.
I used Lord of the ring as an example but I have other movies like Schindler’s List that are also multi parts and for which I have the same problem.
In the forum, I saw that it should work from version 7.5 (I have v8) but it looks like it is for files directly accessed by Infuse, not content served by Jellyfin (which is 10.10.2 here).
Was using Direct mode at first as Library was off. Enabled it, no gain. Deleted the share and re-created it with Library mode active and again, still only part 1 is visible.
Infuse sees the file name and it includes the part tag :
The Fellowship of the Ring - part1.mkv
When you recreated the share (which is needed to switch to library mode, not just changing it on direct mode that was already created) did you also install the latest version of InfuseSync for Emby and Jellyfin – Firecore Support?
One thing I notice is there is no space between the word “part” and the number “1”.
I’d try adding this first.
Next thing I see is there is no year in the file name. That is an easy addition to all movie file names that can save you tons of issues on some titles.
You can also try adding a custom tag like this
The Lord of the Rings The Fellowship of the Ring 2001 {edition-Disc 1}.mkv
Remember tags are only visable when browsing the library.