Hello. I’m using Infuse on macOS. I have a three-monitors setup.
I’m keeping Infuse playing on one monitor, meanwhile I’m doing other things on the other two monitors.
So everything works well, but I must keep Infuse in non-full-screen mode, because if I set Infuse full screen (on monitor 1), the other two monitors become black and I can’t use them.
Hi. Checked out the option you suggest (it was already checked) and checked again. Situation does not chance. macOS is updated to the latest version on a MacBook Pro M2 Max.
I also noticed that, when Infuse is full screen in monitor 1 (external, full-hd) the main monitor of MacBook gets black only on the desktop, but allow me to browse apps which were previously set in fullscreen mode. So I can’t see the desktop (icons and background) as well as any app with is set in window mode, but I can see apps set in full screen mode by sliding left or right on the trackpad.
It’s not a big issue for me. But if you are interested to dig forward and solve, I would be grateful. In case you need any log from Infuse, let me know what and how, and I will send you.
Thanks for that! I knew I had seen a reference to blacking out other screens but was thinking it was an OS setting. I only use the mac monitor so I never had a reason to play with the setting.