Movies won't download metadata / Show 0 Movies

Hello there,

I am currently using Jellyfin 10.10.3 and Infuse 8.0.8 and since the update it just won’t download/update any Movies metadata. It will show 0 Movies (I see a flash screen saying 0/xxx movies but then skips them and moves to TV shows) but I can continue watching movies that I have not seen…


If you are using Jellyfin 10.10+ and Library Mode in Infuse you will want to ensure the latest version of InfuseSync (1.5.1) is installed on the Jellyfin server. Indexing errors may appear if an older version is installed.

Details on installing an updating InfuseSync can be found here.

I am already using InfuseSync 1.5.1. TV Series are fetching OK, Movies on the other hand no idea what is going on :confused:

Unistalled the app from Apple TV, cleared cache, readded the server, still 0 Movies. No idea what is going on. On top of that, if I don’t choose Library option when I scroll TV or Movies through Jellyfin I get an error that the folder is empty :confused: