Mkv 4K HDR/DV playback problem

hello ,

I cannot play any 4k DV HDR file on my iPhone and my iPad, I get an error message, no problem however on my TV

A bit more info would probably help.

What models iOS devices and what OS versions?

What version numbers of Infuse? Paid or Free?

Type of connection, SMB, FTP, Plex, etc?

Hello @NC_Bullseye

iOS iPadOS 18.2

Infuse pro 8.0.8 (5054)

Connection from plex ( nas synology)

I have a new error message

Model of iPad?

Plex version?

Direct or Library?

iPad Pro 2e génération

Plex :

Library mode ( I don’t see the difference between the two)

Also what version of InfuseSync?

I don’t use infuse sync for plex

Code error Diagnostics : C98RP

Hello , Having tested different options, when I uncheck the dolby vision in the infuse options of my iPad or iPhone, it works perfectly, there is a problem at the infuse level, I had no problem before…

Is this affecting other videos?

Would you be able to send in one of the videos you are seeing issues with?

Hello @james , Yes all the videos or infuse brand DV next to the episode or movie

How do I send you the video?

Use the red link in James post.

It’s sending