Make resume remember the edition that was playing last

Some movies (particularly Disney movies) include multiple video tracks, one for each of multiple languages. For example, a movie title might have English, French, Spanish, and other video tracks. When ripping these movies, I create different editions, with each edition containing the video and audio tracks for the languages that we use at home (English and French).

I’ve noticed that when I play one edition that isn’t the first in the list (let’s say the French edition of The Princess and the Frog), then stop playing, and come back to resume another day, Infuse resumes in the default edition instead of the one that was playing last. This isn’t a huge deal for these titles, since the movie editions are virtually identical, so I just stop playback, switch editions, and then click Resume again and it resumes in the selected edition; however, if a movie has a Theatrical edition, Extended edition, and Director’s Cut, and you happen to stop watching one of those editions one day and then come back and resume, Infuse would potentially pull you into a completely different part of the movie, depending on which edition was the “default” when you opened Infuse to continue watching your movie.

So, if this doesn’t exist yet, please make Resume remember which edition, not just which title, was being watched. I’m surprised it doesn’t already work that way.

If it does actually work that way, and if this is just some setting that I’m missing, please point me in the right direction to get this corrected.
