There are some strange behaviors about loading logos observed when using Other Emby.
First, Infuse will not load any logos of any videos seen on the Home Screen except for those in the Next Up list. After few trials, I found that Infuse still can load logos of videos in those lists if they are not present on the Home Screen.
Second, Infuse can load logos of videos I saved in OneDrive on the same devices with which I could reproduce the above problem.
Third, other apps supporting Emby and logos could easily load these logos which Infuse cannot with the same Emby account on the same devices.
I used Safari to access the server’s domain, and the Emby successfully and immediately returned the logos of those episodes.
Rebooting my devices, uninstalling and reinstalling Infuse, and deleting cache or the entire Library do not fix it. Really need help here.
What logos are you referring to? Can you provide pictures of what’s missing and also what Emby shows?
Logos of titles.
I reproduced this problem with Infuse latest app store version.
After adding just one new Movie to a list, the last movie of the list disappeared and Infuse can load the logo of it immediately when I accessed it from Files-Emby Server-that last movie.
I do not think this is primarily due to the emby server I chose despite only that server sees such issue in Infuse. Not only because the web version of this server and other players can load logos, but whether logo shows up is directly affected by that video’s presence on Infuse’s home screen list. In addition, Infuse does load a few logos if the refresh button is clicked, which suggests to me Infuse is still able to obtain related data.
@NC_Bullseye @james
I have uploaded diagnostic data: GEQS8
Are you using direct mode or library mode to connect to Emby? I’m trying to reproduce this on my end and having a hard time. What devices is this happening on?
Yes, direct mode. To be honest, I can’t reproduce this in other Emby servers too, and the reproduced behaviors changed over time (like a previously successfully loaded movie, Detective Conan: The Million Dollar Pentagram in the next up list failed to load after few times of deleting the cache while others in the next up list are still able to load), which made me so frustrated. Sorry that due to the requirements of using that emby server I cannot give the account and server link.
The devices I was using include iPhone 14, M4 MacBook Pro, iPhone 12, and iPad Pro 6th gen.
I have talked with other people currently using that emby server and they have found the same problem with Infuse. I know this may sound like an emby server issue, but still, to my knowledge, there is no setting in a server that could let Infuse decide to load logos of videos once they are off the Home Screen lists, let alone other things I have mentioned previously.
Hmmm I’m thinking this is a Emby server issue, this can come down to the owners hardware setup, bandwidth and a load of other server side issues and or permissions the owner has set up that could be restricting it. I do not think this is infuse issue
I do not think this explains that web emby itself shows logos.
Does this also happen while using the Emby client or even vidhub connected to Emby as well?
What do you mean by vishub, is it VidHub?
Both Emby client and web show logos and other third-party players like Forward are good.
Yes, Vidhub. How does it work while library mode is selected and not direct mode?
This server disallows the library mode so I cannot test it. Other functioning servers are also tested in direct mode. I do not use VidHub.