Labeling differing movie versions

I’m using an Emby share in “Library Mode” on AppleTV. I have a number of movies with differing versions, which I have labelled according to Emby’s file naming conventions for special editions, director’s cuts, etc. If I play those on Emby, I can easily select which version I want to watch. I understand that I can do the same thing on Infuse on AppleTV, but what I find frustrating is that instead of labeling the different versions as “extended edition” (or whatever) they are differentiated by playback quality. This is usually OK for me because I remember what they are, but it can be really confusing for other members of my household. Is there a way for these different versions to be labelled more clearly that I’m not aware of?

Thanks for any advice!

I believe you can follow this users guide for Tags for Movie Cuts, Parts, and Versions and get what you’re looking for.

This did actually work! Thank you!

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