Issue: Infuse not fetching movie covers, titles, “All Movies” shows an empty folder...

Family member’s Infuse doesn’t seem to be fetching metadata. Running the latest version of Infuse on the latest version of the newest Apple TV. Movie titles are displayed as the file names appear in Google Drive. Cover and “Up Next” artwork only displays screenshots of opening scenes or titles, and the “All Movies” folder says “Empty Folder”, even though I verified that the proper folder is added. Any ideas? iCloud syncing is turned off, but that shouldn’t matter, right?

A few things to check…

  1. Is ‘Metadata Fetching’ enabled in Settings?
  2. When browsing via folder, are the words ‘Local Metadata’ visible in the upper right corner?

Metadata fetching had been disabled. I advised this family member last week to clear out their metadata cache and they just have inadvertently disabled this setting. All up and running again! Thank you.