iOS Download Failures

Hello everyone,

Any update about this issue ?
I still encounter lots of download failures, either for movies or TV Shows episodes.
Context :

  • iPhone 14 Pro Max (lots of free storage space 80GB+)
  • Great Wi-Fi connection, battery full
  • Infuse Pro 7.7.4 (4818), using Plex direct mode

Even with lightweight movies (3-5GB), download fails without explicit error message. I have to retry and retry and retry until it finally downloads the last few percentages.

I moved your post to it’s own thread since the one you originally posted in was over 2 years old and also regarding the Mac OS.

Best to start a new thread that may get you better responses. :wink:

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Is this a local Plex server or a remote server?

If you are able to replicate the issue and send in a report (and post the code here), it would help us get a better idea of what is going on.

Hello James,
It’s a local server.
I’ve just sent a diagnostic via email (5GMHK).

It looks like there is a network error which appears when connecting to the Plex server.

You may check to ensure both devices are on the same network, and also perhaps removing the Plex share from Infuse and reconnecting.

In some cases, disabling the Plex Relay feature on the server can help as this will help prevent Plex from routing some connections outside of the local network.