Infuse upscaling vs nvida shield

I have a Apple TV 4K and a nvida shield

The shield has AI upscaling for 1080p content

Does infuse 6 do the same on Apple TV 4K

Welcome to the forum!

Infuse doesn’t transcode files so if you play a 1080p file Infuse plays it as is. Same for 4K and below 1080p.

Apple TV will upscale the video that Infuse outputs to be what ever you have it set for. So if you play a 1080p file in Infuse, the ATV will output it at 4K if that’s what you have your ATV set to output.

That is set in the ATV settings under Video and Audio and it’s the “Format” setting. That is what the ATV will output to your TV.

I’m guessing it has improved over the last couple years but this is what James said:

Not sure if that’s current with version 6.X and the new tvOS. It may be but lots changed when they took out the pass through for audio and did some video tweaking for match range and rate.