Infuse Smart Group

I have a bunch of video which I edit manually metadata with .nfo file. I’m fronting a problem with the Smart Group tools. Since those video aren’t on TMDB, I didn’t set any id. Then on infuse they appear in same Smart Groupe but they aren’t same at all and it’s not the purpose of Smart Group.
Anyways I tried to disable it and they appear each alone this time, but when I watch one, the time cursor is changing for every file. When I click “unseen” it unseen every file and same for “seen”.
Is there anything I can do to avoid this besides just right a fake id in metadafile for every file

Infuse has an area for TV & Movies. The third area “Other” shows media not named properly. There is no area for home videos.
What we need is an area that is not connected to TMDB, where home movies can be categorized without TMDB influencing them.