Infuse Pro IOS (popup)


I have been a pro user for several years now, and recently on the iOS app, I keep getting the popup at the top suggesting I upgrade to pro, even though I already am…! I haven’t changed my Apple account or anything.

When I try to simply restore, it doesn’t work. The pro mode might still be active despite this—it’s not very clear on the iPhone (I can play my movies, etc.), but this popup is large and unnecessary for those with an active subscription…

Have a great evening.

Thank you for your feedback :slight_smile:


If you go to Settings does it say “INFUSE PRO” below the word Settings?

Also this users guide may help.

Pressing the icon to restore the subscription and restarting the iPhone didn’t work!

But after deleting the app, restarting the iPhone, and reinstalling it, it worked. I was a former beta tester, so I also deleted the build on TestFlight just in case.

Everything is now back to normal!

Thanks for the advice :blush:


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