Infuse will come up but after a short interval it hangs and nothing can be done, like the remote stopped working, but after pressing the Back Button a bunch of times, it will eventually go back to the TVos main screen ~minute or two. I saw notes about it being optimized for tvos 18, so I tried updating the tvos to 18. Its still the same. Unusable, if you never hear back from me call the cops as my wife will have probably killed me… Newish 4k appletv from this year with the ethernet port.
If you’re able to send in a report from your device (and post the code here) it would help us see what may be going on here.
Also, as a quick fix you may try removing the app and redownloading from the App Store. This isn’t usually necessary, but sometimes you may get a bad download when updating.
I wasn’t able to get down to the spot to send the diag before it would lock up, so I uninstalled it and reinstalled it. Seems to be working now. Something bad happened during that upgrade apparently. I have now turned off all auto updates on my apple TV. -Bill
Wow, problems are back and there wasn’t an update that I can see. I have lost the TV section although it still shows in the area where you can add/remove it and move it up or down, but now there is no way to pick a tv show to watch. Movies and Favorites are still there.
I had to uninstall the Infuse App again! WTF? Is this something I will need to keep doing?
I was not using 8 for the two issues as it wasnt out then, but I just reinstalled Infuse yesterday and I don’t know if that downloaded 8. I am assuming so as it didn’t give me a choice on the app store. So I was using the most current verison prior to 8 and the first issue happened right after ATV auto upgraded to v18. I have since turned off all auto upgrading on my ATV as they figured it may have screwed up the update the messed up Infuse the first time back in September. This time there was no updates that I know of, it just lost its brain as I could do nothing in Infuse and had to restart using Plex again. Hopefully it won’t break again in 28 days like what happened last week.
There was an update today to V 8.0.1 that fixed many other issues so you may want to check at the bottom of the settings screen to see what version you’re using and update if not at 8.0.1
I will check and update if that is what is now running as last night skipping was a big issue after a bit of watching and then I couldn’t even pause a show. DW is now complaining. AppleTV apps seem to be Not Ready for Prime-Time (NRPT)… Using Plex (10 second skips) and Infuse clients now altough Infuse is fast becoming a headache, The other day I Had to uninstall the NextPVR client as it was the epitome of a NRPT client.
I had to update to v8.01. That update lost all my settings that I had just put in after deleting my older version and upgrading to v8. 8.01 made me redo the connections to Plex. WTF. And the Skip forward/backward seems to be very intermittent, same as v8 introduced. Also the Pause is not really working, it takes lots of presses to get a show paused.
I sure how this new version has some stuff for us ATV users and not just for the few ~geeks that use a headset.
How do I reinstall version 7 as 8 have made the use of skipping and pausing very problematic? I would like to go back until these issues are fixed. I upgraded to v8.01 and it was not fixed. v8.0.2 does NOT mention any of my issues (and other users also mentioned) were fixed. -Bill
The problem since I updated to v8 and now with v8.0.1 and v8.0.2 is during a session watching a show the skipping is very inconsistent, works for 10+ minutes, maybe a bit longer then it either doesn’t skip forward and maybe skips backward, or all the way to the beginning of the show. Its to the point the WAF has dropped to unusable in her mind. During that same time the pause will not pause the show. Sometimes the pause takes a lot of presses before it reacts and pauses the show. This has never happened till v8. I did see other comments about it, and I see nothing about it in the release notes from either update.