Infuse 8.0.9 now available

Happy 2025! :tada:

Infuse 8.0.9 is now available!


  • Improved handling of active stream limits on some servers



Disappointingly, still no alphabet location indicator.


Still no refreshment button on the opening page on Mac

Both items are in progress and will be available in 8.1. :slight_smile:


Still no HomePods Atmos fix. For an app that only works on Apple products and for something that used to work perfectly this is getting really annoying.

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Hey @james I know you guys are probably working on it, but just curious is there any news on when a fix for the bug described in this thread is coming: Black screen when playing local DV P8 video on iPad - #28 by Pae

Love this app and haven’t ran into any issues before this one came up when trying to watch Silo, so looking forward to a fix.

Shows as in progress for the 8.1 release which is the next Infuse release.

Thank you. Hadn’t seen this yet.


Thanks, but still no fix for returning to screen when deleting a file. Still shows in the library…

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Thank you for the update!

Any news on that?


A post was merged into an existing topic: DTS-HD and Dolby TrueHD

We still have to manually press sync/refresh on Apple devices.

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For some reason I noticed there is longer lag after click the forward/backward multiple times. Not sure if this is a regression but it is pretty annoying