Infuse 8.0.8 now available

Infuse 8.0.8 is now available! :raised_hands:


  • Improved video loading speed


Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays! :christmas_tree::santa:


merry Christmas to you, keep bringing updates, always ready for it.

thanks for your work.

Thanks, James! Playback loading speed for me was noticeably slower with 8.0.7 using a Plex server on the Apple TV (after never experiencing a problem before), so looking forward to this one.

With this update, I’m having issues with HDR content going in and out, with the screen looking randomly washed. I’m also getting playback stuttering. Neither issue was happening for me before the update.

Happy holidays! Thanks for the great media player!

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If you’re using an Apple TV you may check to ensure the Match Content options are still enabled. These can sometimes become disabled after installing a tvOS update.

Thanks for the reply, James. Those settings were enabled. When I get a chance I’ll submit a diagnostic report with a screen recording.

Atmos from HomePods on Apple TV still not working. You’ve removed it from what you’re working on as I assume you thought this was a Mac issue but it’s still not working for Apple TV. Disney+, Netflix and Apple TV apps work fine. Please fix this as it used to work.

Hello and congratulations for a good product.
I have a question if you can please answer:
I have Infuse Pro subscription and im using infuse on my Apple Tv 4K on my mac i have enabled smb sharing to acces my video files. since all my devices are connected only on wi fi videos like remux 4k are buffering because the speed test shows max 70 mbs. ok no problem i installed jellyfin server on my mac and now test speed shows 250 mbs and the remux files are playing perfect…my question is this : which server do you recommend Emby or Jellyfin ? just for server on my mac nothing else ( are there any difference betwen emby server and jellyfin server ) which server integrates better with infuse because i play my videos using only infuse.
Thank so much for this product and for your answer.

Stilll hoping to see playback speed up until 5x. Would buy me Infuse lifetime, for now using Plex with video speed controller! :smiley:

Welcome to the forum!

I don’t user any server software like jellyfin or emby, just infuse with SMB and Infuse handles everything great even 4K DV HDR.

There are some tips for trouble shooting in the users guides that may help with your SMB issues here.

i tried already to change the smb version and speed remains the same (max 70mbs) that is why i installed jellyfin

I liked more Infuse 7, in 8th version i notice right away some smoothness in the picture,and the top bar is indeed is ugly

Streaming the videos is incredibly fast! Pure Netflix feeling! The only thing I would personally like to see is that the synchronization times from the ICloud would be even shorter. Unfortunately, synchronization still takes a long time if you switch back and forth between Apple devices.

With the Apple TV+ free to stream weekend, i can now see what the devs of Infuse are trying to do, make their live player Ui nearly identical to the Apple player UI.

But, i still find the Title of the video text just above the seek bar to be WAY TO BIG.
Seriously, make it smaller. It really takes up too much space, especially with long titles.
I miss the nice minimalistic seek bar only look too.
Maybe give us a option to not show the video title/name, and just show the seek bar.

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Is it expected behavior for the player UI, seek bar, to come up, at the very end of a video, just before it closes out and goes back to the video details screen? I have noticed this happening since ver 8 launched. (Apple Tv)

I agree. I don’t think this should be. Also, not with when quick seeking.

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I still have this issue Why doesn't .part1, .part2 work for me with Infuse?

I noticed within the last versions that it stutters when pressing down in library view. Its an Apple 4K 2nd gen, so it should be a non-issue. I tried clearing metadata as well.

A post was merged into an existing topic: Mac top bar displays abnormally