Infuse 8.0.7 now available

Infuse 8.0.7 is now available! :muscle:


Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays! :christmas_tree::santa:


Still not fixed Atmos on HomePods from Apple TV. Still reports as multichannel. This used to work fine.

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Merry Christmas everyone :mx_claus::christmas_tree:

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Hey @James, is there a way to verify if version 8.0.7 has a bug? After updating, itโ€™s not working as expected on my 16 Pro Max. It gets stuck on a black screen for about a minute, and when it does respond, navigation is extremely slow.

Is this on launch or after doing something in the app?

Did you try deleting the app and reinstalling it?

Maybe send a diagnostics and post the code here just to get ahead of the game if James gets a sec to check it?

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It happened right on launch. I didnโ€™t want to delete the app because I had cleaned the metadata just a day before, and it took hours to scan everything. But Iโ€™ve now deleted the app and will see if it works properly after rescanning.

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If it does act strange again maybe also try with the charger plugged in? I know the iPhones tend to seem more robust when plugged in on some apps.

If it is still sluggish, take a peek at the library settings screen and see if it shows any scanning activity too and see if thereโ€™s some background chore causing problems.

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